Elevate Your Garden with Deadheading: Wisdom from Bloomer’s

Gardening is a rewarding journey, offering satisfaction to both veteran green thumbs and those freshly venturing into the world of horticulture. A key gardening strategy that significantly enhances your plants’ health and growth is deadheading, which incorporates both pruning and pinching spent blossoms. The welcoming and knowledgeable team at Bloomer’s is always eager to guide […]

The Joy of July: Essential Gardening Tasks for Mid-Summer in Your Jersey Garden

From the experts at Bloomer’s As we traverse the height of summer, our Jersey gardens unfold with striking colors, captivating scents, and the energetic buzz of busy pollinators. The dedication and care we’ve exerted in our gardens since the emergence of spring now blossom into luxuriant, lively landscapes. While July allows us to bask in […]

Instant Beauty: Choosing and Caring for Pre-Made Hanging Baskets for Your Next Garden Party

The allure of a garden party or outdoor gathering is amplified by the backdrop of a lush, vibrant garden. As the summer sun in New Jersey gently recedes, casting an inviting twilight glow, an array of flowering plants in decorative containers presents a sight to behold. At Bloomers, we celebrate the richness of colors and […]

Houseplant of the Month: Hoya

Hoya have been popular house plants for decades and with good reason. They are extremely long-lived, have a classic, deep green, vining foliage and produce fragrant, light pink and red star-shaped flowers. Because of their thick waxy, foliage they are often called wax plants or sometimes porcelain flower referring to the unique texture of the […]

Houseplant of the Month: Anthuriums

Anthurium Care Family: Araceae Common Name: Flamingo Flower, Tail Flower, Painted Tongue Plant Botanical Name: Anthurium andraeanum Here’s a little secret: the beautiful heart-shaped “flowers” are not flowers! What makes these durable, easy-care houseplants so appealing are red, white, pink, or purple waxy leaves called spathes that flare from the base of the fleshy spike […]

September Brings Cooler Weather and Incredible Fall Shrubs!

On last week’s podcast, Len and Julio talk about the upcoming harvest season. Ornamental berries on shrubs are a simple way to spice up your garden and yard. Pyracanth Firethorn is a hardy evergreen to semi-evergreen shrub that delights with abundant white blooms backed by dark, glossy foliage in the Spring and pumpkin-orange berries in […]

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