Zucchini Trivia

Did you know… Zucchini is fat free, cholesterol free, low in sodium, rich in manganese and vitamin C and has more potassium than a banana. The largest zucchini weighed 65 pounds and was 7 feet 10 inches long Zucchini were introduced to North America by Italian immigrants in the 1920’s There are at least a half […]

Garden of Repeatin’

A Paradise of Re-purposed Rescues Recycling in the garden can be a trash-to-treasure happy ending for your storage space, the environment and your garden! Here is a sampling of creative ways in which potential discards can be used for containers, edging or fencing, labeling, supports and just plain fun in the garden.

Gad Zukes! What Am I Going To Do With All These Zucchini!?!

By now your garden should be overflowing with a bounty of crops that you have been nurturing all summer long.  Along with your green beans and tomatoes, there is one crop that is ready to take over!  The seemingly innocent zucchini that was relatively quiet all season has now started producing so many little green […]

Dandelion Delights

Foraging spring eats from beyond the garden Odd as it may seem to the “weed police” of modern North American lawns, for hundreds of years Dandelions were – and still are -used for food and medicine throughout the world.  The leaves, blooms and roots all have value in the arena of healing and nutrition. The […]

Reviving Your Lawn

After a long hot summer, your lawn that was once green and lush may have taken a bit of dive.   Don’t let that brown get you down.  Here are a few tips to get your lawn back to its original glory without having to start completely over.    Start by identifying what is doing the damage […]

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